Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Biometrics free essay sample

Course Description The module draws on language from Skills for Study Ill to build vocabulary, aromatically competency, and refine pronunciation, prepare students to understand nuances of spoken and written communication as well as execute accurate use of spoken and written academic work. Learning Outcomes 1 . Develop abilities to use lexical and grammatical knowledge to critically evaluate discourse presented in academic forms. 2. Understand and evaluate persuasive elements in research and discourse. 3.Demonstrate linguistic proficiency to write a critical response to a standpoint or researched position. 4. Produce a range Of lexical, phonological, and grammatical eaters of language to orally respond to excerpts of spoken and written discourse expressing a standpoint or researched position. Course Outline* Delivery Plan Weekly Unit 1: An electronic world(Part A)Lessons: Introduction to the module and syllabus. Lesson 2: Understanding spoken information: identify features of fluent speech. Understand how pauses, intonation and stress influence listeners. P. 7-13 Week 2 | (Part B)Lesson 3: Become familiar with different types of written text: refer to authors ideas. This public concern obliged the governments and the authorities to generate laws and regulation. After this question remains what is the importance of using biometrics in Lebanon and why must it be forced? Biometrics are a kind of mechanical approach where it helps you notice an entity, and this process of recognition is founded on the physical and social or behavioral traits and characteristics a person has. Many bodily features are used to acknowledge a person. Some of these features are: face, fingerprints, hand geometry, handwriting, iris, retinal, vein, and voice. When it comes to security levels, we see that as the safety cautions break down and fake deals randomly increase, the need of a ighly secure identification and personal verification becomes necessary and vital. Bertillonage, fingerprint, facial recognition, retinal scan, iris scan, DNA, hand geometry and vascular patterns are the major biometrics that have been considered and applied to diverse kinds of identification and authentication systems. Biometrics is a way of using characteristics and parts of the human body as a kind of permanent can trace a wide range of physical characteristics. I will first begin by stating what biometrics is and we will have an overview of the history of biometrics and how biometrics did first began. The word biometrics is derived from two Greek words, bios and metric, where bios mean life and metrics means measurements. So the word biometrics can be defined as Life Measurements. Life measurements of biometrics first started in the agricultural field where scientists used it to compare the yields of different diversity of wheat. So this clarifies the meaning of the word biometrics which is life measurements, because these experiments done on wheat helped the scientists to, after taking the life measurements of the wheat, determine and establish more efficient and effective methods of growth. The history of biometrics includes the identification of people from physical characteristics (eyes, height, scars, weight) and behavioral traits (happy, rude). It early begins in china where newborns were distinguished from each other through footprints and ink stamp of palm. And with time, biometrics advance with Henry Fauld (1880), Francis Galton (1888), and Edward Henry (1899) where it becomes based on fingerprints. And in the early of the nineteenth century, criminology was the main driver of biometrics, when researchers studied the relationship between physical features and criminal tendencies. The fevered pace of biometrics research has created new modalities based on keyboarding patterns or mouse movements, walking patterns (gait), types of utterances (speech), the confguration of veins in the finger or hand (venial), geometries of the finger or hand, the face, and the complex structures of the melanin-rich area of the eye (iris). (R. Vetter, K. Ricaneck; 2010). Currently, biometric techniques are used mainly in security operations. For example, they are used in prison visitor system, state benefit payment systems, border control, gold and diamond minds and bank vaults. Clearly these are areas where security is an issue and fraud is a threat. Recent world events have lead to an increased interest in security that will propel biometrics into mainstream use. Areas of future use include workstation and network access, Internet transactions, telephone transactions and in travel and tourism. Bertillonage biometrics is the first from of biometrics and was invented in the nineteenth century but no longer used these days. The process of the Bertillonage biometrics is a primitive way and it is not so efficient and that is because of the great technological advancement that the world overseen. The rocess starts when an individual is asked to be examined and measured, and that will take 20 minutes and may take more and up to 60 minutes. The measurements are very detailed and various body measurements will be taken and stored. These are some measurements that are taken, and they include the height, length and breadth of the head, the length of the fingers and the length of the fingers. Record filing and checking or comparing the results obtained after examining and taking measurements, was all done by hand but even though, it was considered to be a quite fast process if we considered they time this process was done (19th century). It was proven that the Bertillonage biometrics is accurate at 286,435,456 to 1, and that error may happen due to duplicates and some other errors in measuring because everything was done by hand. Because of the common results that they got among different people, Bertillonage wasnt used much then and diminished as the world Let us state what is fingerprinting before talking and discussing the technology of fingerprinting. Well fingerprinting is to take a copy or a fgure of an individuals fingertip, using either a digital scan of ink, and then storing the records and the haracteristics of the fingertip.

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